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Do you ever wonder why chefs say “heard” instead of “seen”? It’s an old tradition that has a lot of meanings behind it. In this post, we’ll explore the four most popular reasons why chefs say “heard.” Keep reading to learn more!
It’s An Old Tradition
– The saying “heard” has been around for centuries, and it’s a tradition that many chefs follow. It shows respect and appreciation for the ingredients being used in their cooking. This phrase is often used to show that the chef cares about each individual ingredient, as if they are all part of a larger culinary masterpiece.
It Shows Respect For The Ingredients
– By acknowledging each ingredient with the phrase “heard,” chefs show that they understand its importance and value when it comes to creating delicious dishes. Not only does this saying show respect for the ingredients, but also for those people who have put in time and effort to make them available in the kitchen!
It’s A Way To Share Knowledge
– Saying “heard” during cooking is also a way for chefs to share knowledge with each other. By using the phrase, chefs can tell their peers which ingredients they are using and what techniques they are employing. This helps them learn from each other and create delicious dishes that everyone will love.
– The phrase “heard” is an old tradition used by many chefs as a way to show respect for the ingredients used in cooking and to pass down knowledge among cooks. It’s important to understand why this saying is used so that you can appreciate its meaning in the kitchen!