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What do you do if a restaurant customer won’t leave? This is a question that all restaurateurs eventually face at one time or another. It can be a difficult situation to deal with, but there are several steps that you can take to get the customer to leave. In this post, we’ll explore what those steps are and provide some tips for handling the situation. Read on to learn more!
Ask Them To Leave
: The first step in dealing with a customer who won’t leave is to ask them politely and firmly to do so. Explain that the restaurant needs to close for the night, or that you have other customers waiting, and kindly request that they leave. It’s possible that the customer may not be aware of closing times or other guests, so this can be an effective way to get them to go.
Get Help From Management
: If asking politely doesn’t work, you may need to seek help from management. Explain the situation and ask for their assistance in getting the customer out of the restaurant. They may be able to provide additional support or use persuasive language more effectively than you can.
Escort Them Out
: In some cases, you may need to physically escort the customer out of the restaurant, either with help from management or security. If this is necessary, be sure to do so in a polite and respectful manner.
: Dealing with a customer that won’t leave can be a stressful situation for restaurateurs. However, it’s important to remember that there are steps you can take to handle the situation properly. Ask them politely and firmly to leave, get assistance from management if needed, and escort them out if all else fails.